France is famous for its cognac and champagne. Spain is famous for its wines, Germany for its beer, Russia its vodka. Scotland is widely known its magnificent blends of whiskey, Mexico its tequila and Japan for the sake.
What is Belarus famous for? It’s definitely Krambambulya, an alcoholic beverages made with a base of honey and spices. You can drink it both cold and hot. This legendary, incomparable, drink emboldened and inspired our ancestors. Cups with a wonderful Krambambulya were raised in the lush palaces and cheerful roadside taverns!
Many researchers believe that the age-old Belarusian Krambambulya drink that has been gaining popularity in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania since the XVIII century. As proof of this version is the fact that at that time the supply of spices from India has already been well established, without which Krambambulya is not Krambambulya at all.
Meanwhile to prepare this wonderful drink is very simple. We will need:
- ½ ltr of vodka,
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 2 teaspoons ground cloves,
- pinch of ground nutmeg
- ½ teaspoon ground black pepper
- A little orange peel (dried or fresh)
- 2-3 tablespoons of honey.
Take the Vodka, pour 1 glass and mix it with a glass of water. In the resulting liquid add spices, orange peel, bring to the boil, reduce heat and simmer for another 5 minutes. Remove from heat, leave to cool to 60 oC, add remaining vodka and honey, Cover and infuse for several hours. Then strain through several layers of cheesecloth. «Krambambulya» is ready!